Saturday, January 1, 2011

Maleficences of make-up

Make-up causes cancer and infertility, prevents women to give birth.

Shampoo : Irritation on face, itching, damage in eyes.

Eye shadow : cancer, infertility, hormonal dysfunction, ravages on organs

Lip stick (lip rouge) : allergy, cancer

Nail polish : May decrease fertility, may effect infant development during pregnancy

Perfume : ravage in mouth, neck and eyes; qualm in stomach, kidney problems

Suntanmaker creams : rash, ravage, hormonal dysfunction

Hair spray : allergy, ravage in eyes and in nose, cell structure dysfunction

Blusher : rash, ravage, hormonal dysfunction

Foundation cream : allergy, cancer

Deodorant : ravage on skin and in lungs, headache, respiration problems

Face creams : microbial spread, causes death of useful bacteria for skin.

BE NATURAL ! Because you are beautiful when you are natural ;)

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