Friday, January 14, 2011

Bills' Crazyness

   It's 14th of January today, first of all I'd like to celebrate my mother's birthday. If she didn't exist, I wouldn't be here and you all would be so sad and have an emptier life :D
   I was outside to take a little walk, when I broke into the appartement, then I saw a bill belonging to me. It was water bill. Do you know what was written on it? That if I don't pay it in a close time, they will cut giving water to my flat. But what's more important, it was its price : 215 TL /  108 € / 1075 SEK for three months ! OH MY GOD ! We're little lovely students in the flat, can't have used that much water !
   However, the life still goes on and it can't break my joy of living anyhow, just made me sad a bit. Because, I'm not the one paying bill, I use the money that my father sends me and wouldn't like to make him poor.
   By the way, although the bill costs more than the amount I've paid as punishement when I was in Oslo, it can't make me sad even as much as the guy taking my money slowly at the tram in Oslo.
   Hate bills, hate punishements ! After having left this sadness, this could suit pretty well :


Happy Birthday Mum !
(by the way :D) 

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Before all began

Before all began
The Dudes