Thursday, December 30, 2010


Since we now have a blog i thought why not share what happened this year..but i don't have that many pictures but i'll do my best...maybe i can hope that the other half of this blog will do the same....? ;)
  January: I celebrated my oldest friend, Gabriella, that i've known for my whole life with making her an album of good memories from our common life for her 18th birthday ! :)

 February: Me, myself turned 18, woho!
 Mars must have been boring but in April we decided to lock our friend Hanna outside on the balcony :)
 May: I took walks with my friends Moa and Ellen :)
 June: I made my wardrobes the coolest ones in town by wallpaperish them ;) MYSELF!!
 July: Went to Peace and Love, musicfestival!
 Spend some days in Stockholm with Ebba :)
 Went to NORWAY and met new awesome people!!
 Okey had no pictures from august, september and october but november: I went to Istanbul and had a wonderful time :D
 December: Christmas and a loss...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Carpe fucking diem everybody!

1 comment:

  1. fina fina vän, stamp stamp och lite brända chips på det!
    Fina bilder och allt finns kvar inom sig, glöm inte det. PUSS


Before all began

Before all began
The Dudes